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My pastor’s last Sunday.

Writer: Abbie DunlapAbbie Dunlap

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

Someone I have had the great pleasure of being a constant in my life is this man as my pastor. It hit me today that this may be the last time I see him like this- like I have thousands of times before- kneeling on a stage leading me (and the church) in prayer.

I remember practicing writing my name on Sunday evenings while he preached when I was little,

I remember my dad walking down to pray with him and all the men on Sunday mornings,

I remember singing on the stage and seeing him in the front row,

I remember him consistently showing up to share the gospel every single week.

I obviously don’t remember all his sermons, but I remember tidbits of a lot of them. “Never let anyone out of your circle of love.” “God can do more in a moment than you can do in a lifetime.” “Be a generous giver.” “Do as I say not as I do does not work when you’re a parent.” “It is ok to ask God why.” “You’re either entering a storm, in a storm, or walking out of a storm.” These plus many more flood my mind as I think back on listening to his sermons for over 20 years. He taught me about fasting. He taught me that the Bible is 100% true. He showed me how to have a close relationship with Jesus. He really encouraged me to see my current situation (whatever that may be) as my mission field. I remember the impact this had on me in college specifically and how I chose to spend my time because of this perspective. A text he sent me one time stands out in my mind as well. I asked him a Bible question, and he encouraged me to cross reference multiple scriptures in the Bible, to basically go deeper than I was. He responded every single time I sent a question and still does to this day. His wife, ms Jeana, has equally been a blessing to me. Everything from being able to hear and read about how she handled her own experience with cancer, to being able to sit on a couch with her and discuss marriage and various challenges, to experiencing the grace and wisdom that she exudes, both from a distance and on a personal level, has blessed my life. She talks to Jesus like He is a person, her closest friend, and it allowed me to realize that I can do the same.

It was a great privilege of mine to be able to babysit their grandchildren and therefore see them in a different light as grandparents. I’ve always known them as my pastor and ms Jeana, as a kid they seemed like celebrities, but seeing them as grandparents made them more human to me and made me love them even more. I enjoyed it every time I was able to be in their home or their kids’ homes. Their children are an example and extension of their faithfulness and love for God and His people.

I won’t pretend to know the weight of leading a church or being a pastor’s wife, but I can imagine it’s quite a lot. When my world was faced with challenges or heartache, they were there for me. When I had a question, they took the time to answer it. If I needed to meet, they did. If I needed prayer, they were fierce warriors whom I knew faithfully took my name to the throne of Jesus. As I write this I know there are thousands of other people who feel the same way I do.

Grateful. Honored. Blessed. Proud. Overwhelmed. Joyful. And so much more.

Because we know the boldness, leadership, example, conviction, generosity, passion, faithfulness, consistency, wisdom, love, and gospel focus that we’ve had the pleasure of knowing and experiencing as our pastor.

I was born with Ronnie Floyd as my pastor. In 2011 I got married and, because of a small group we wanted to try, my husband and I moved to the Fayetteville campus of our church which meant Nick floyd was now my pastor, too. I am thrilled and thankful that Nick will be to my daughter what pastor Ronnie has been for me. I am confident that the legacy will continue and that Nick will continue to bless people and lead this church with the same gospel focus and exceptional integrity.

To say I sometimes take my church for granted would be an understatement. I have been so fortunate to grow up with Crosschurch and the Floyds as my “normal.” Today was just another day that affirmed for me just how exceptional my church is and how extremely blessed I am to have had my pastor for as long as I have and to now have a new one in whom I have equal confidence. God is faithful, and today was a picture of His faithfulness that I am thankful I was able to witness and won’t soon forget. Join me in praying for all the Floyds as they take on new roles and assignments for the kingdom of God. And remember to “proclaim the gospel above all.”



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