Today you are 22, but I remember when Mom was pregnant with you. I was six and I remember some 10 year old boy telling me I'd be replaced and forgotten and you'd be the worst thing to ever happen to me. He was wrong. I remember when I'd get in trouble because when you were one, two, and three I treated you like my brother 100%. I'd tell you to quit or hit you and everybody got all mad because you were so little. I wasn't the sister you wanted to marry at that age, but I was the one you wanted to play with. I remember when you got a little older and a lot less annoying and we'd wrestle, play basketball, go fishing with Dad, and play in the sandbox. I remember one time mom getting so mad when we dumped sand on each others' heads because we couldn't get our scalps clean and also how you thought I was much more athletic than I actually was. There's still an obviously patched hole in my old bedroom wall where I kicked you into it and your big head busted through. We both laughed immediately. I remember Mom didn't. I remember when your Sunday School teacher told Mom that you said your favorite band was black eyed peas. I think you were six at the time and my 13 year old self couldn't hide my guilt/amusement. I remember turning 16 and you feeling like a boss because I'd drive you around and let you listen to Akon's "Soul Survivor." You were the thuggiest 9 year old, white boy in NWA. I remember taking you on a drive and leading you to Christ in the Wal-Mart parking lot and watching your life change drastically. I love watching you grow closer to Him as you get older. I remember how I'd read you your assigned reading in exchange for a foot rub. I remember how you would sheepishly crawl into my bed with me every time I was on the phone with my boyfriend. I remember more homework nights and "homework" nights than I can count after I got married. I remember always buying three potatoes instead of two because I assumed you'd be there for dinner. I remember when you drove to my house in secret, when you got your first speeding ticket, and when you told me about your first kiss. I thank the Lord often that you trust me with your secrets. I remember being thankful from the time you were 5 years old until this very day that you don't have a brother because I get to fill that role as best as a tomboy can. I remember the one time we really fought, I drove to your house the next day with my shovel in my car to help you bury your dog, and you took a long lunch the day after that to come see me. We aren't good at not being friends. I remember the little boy who would sing Shania Twain's "don't be stupid", the preteen who would always get beat in Madden because I'd Hail Mary to Randy Moss every single time, the teen who gave me the ok to get married but cried alone in my empty closet the next day, and now the man who is the coolest Shaggy, one of my dearest friends, greatest blessings, and most trusted babysitters. You're my kindred spirit, my biggest fan, my rap partner, my most consistent advice asker, my Snapchat best friend, my afternoon phone call, my longest standing prayer partner, my dirty joke finisher, my gang up on amanda teammate, my church seat saver, my "be intentional" remindee, my laughing buddy, and the only person I know with a mind as mean and twisted and wonderful as mine. You work exceptionally hard, you are hilarious, and you're a loyal and genuine friend. I envy your hair, I love your tattoos, and I get excited when people think we're twins. I think you're wonderful, I appreciate how you listen to me, and I love you with all of my heart. I'm proud of you even when you're an idiot. You idolize me even when I suck. I just adore you, Austin Baker. Our bond is one for the record books. Today you are 22, and I remember being so excited to have a baby brother, but I had no idea that I would ever be this immensely blessed. Happy birthday, Little! Â