Keeping a clean house is important to me. It isn't the most important thing to me, but it is a high priority. My mom instilled this in me, and I genuinely believe that it is God honoring to take good care of the things He has blessed me with, so I try to do so. For some reason I'm better at maintaining a clean house than a clean car, but I try. Everybody's priorities are different. I don't care if your house is messy, I jus don't want mine to be. I also don't want you to assume you're a better mom than me because my house is clean. What prompted the article below was someone posting in a moms' group I'm in, "Messy moms raise happy kids." I then saw countless moms with clean houses promising that their kids were happy too. It was interesting. The whole - sorry about the mess, we are busy making memories here- kills me. I hate it. If you had time to post to Facebook that you held the the baby instead of folding the clothes, then you had time to fold the clothes, you just didn't want to. And that's fine! But it's ok, too, Mama if you did fold those clothes. It's even ok if you put the baby down for five minutes to do so. You can make memories in a clean home. You can be a good mom and a good housekeeper. Read more Here